2015/2016: The Homework Project

Referenti: Dawn Boden, Giuliana D’Orazi, Giulianna Calizza

Finalità: Our fourth and fifth grade students create summer homework pages during English and IT lessons respectively. They improve their own vocabulary and revise vocabulary and grammar by writing stories and choosing and copying poems related that vocabulary. Fifth grade students are creating homework for the fourth grade classes and respectively, the fourth grades for the third grade.

Modalità di attuazione: This activity takes place during Enlish and Information Technology lessons and their classrooms and the computer lab are both utilized. Homework packets will be available for parents to download via Scuola Online at the end of the year.

Ulteriori info: This particular activity has provided the opportunity for our fourth and fifth graders not only to revise past grammar and vocabulary but has also encouraged originality, creativity and a sense of confidence, knowing they are creating something for their schoolmates, younger than themselves.